Finding your ‘WHY?’

A Guest Post from our Partners at Compel Global
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It was one of those seemingly random encounters that we sometimes call ‘God-things’. As I boarded my flight in Miami, I noticed a familiar face seated in an otherwise empty row in the back of the plane. It had been more than a year since I’d last seen my friend John. Once the plane was airborne, I was glad to abandon my middle row seat and join John in the back of the plane.

“So, what have you been up to since your retirement?” I asked.

“Well, Mary and I bought a catamaran in Ft. Lauderdale, and we’ve been cruising around the Caribbean.”

“Wow, that’s way cool! I remember you telling me that was your plan. It’s awesome to see that you’re living the dream bro!”

“Yeah, it’s been a blast! I haven’t worn anything more than a swimsuit for over a year!

There was a brief pause in the conversation as the flight attendant took our drink orders.

Then John said, “You know, the fun, freedom, and new friendships have been great, but after a while all the islands start to look the same… and Mary and I have been going a little stir crazy cooped up on the boat.” 

By the time our Coke’s had arrived, the conversation had turned a whole lot more serious: “John, do you miss the corporate world?”

“No, I’d had enough of the crazy hours and the stress of monthly quotas. I guess that what’s bothering me now is that apart from loving on the grandkids, Mary and I just don’t feel like we have a sense of purpose anymore.”

That frank admission opened-up a deep conversation about the importance of finding a meaningful purpose in retirement.

Counselors often suggest that the keys to a successful retirement are:

1.    staying active,

2.    learning something new,

3.    exploring your passions,

4.    prioritizing family and friends, and

5.    giving something back.

All of that is great advice! But maybe there’s something more.

As followers of Jesus, freedom from the daily grind of vocational activity presents us with a powerful opportunity to become more fully engaged in God’s global agenda. After decades of pursuing vocational excellence, we now have the skills, relational networks, time, and energy… that can literally ‘impact the nations.’

All around the developing world and especially in the ‘least-reached’ places, there are amazing opportunities to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples utilizing entrepreneurship, medical care and training, leadership development, IT expertise, theological education, and spiritual mentorship. The opportunities for mature followers of Jesus to have a profound impact for the Gospel are compelling and endless!

Aside from being a mean pickle-ball pro, Dr. Duane is an exceptional orthopedic surgeon. He knows more about bone grafts, hip replacements, and knee reconstructions than almost anybody else. Every year he and his bride cycle back and forth to Ethiopia for several weeks at a time. Duane has a team of Ethiopian residents that he’s pouring his experience into. But he’s not just passing on his skills… he’s passing on his faith. Early one morning, just before making rounds, I listened as Dr. Duane shared a devotional insight with the team of doctors that he’s discipling. A few minutes later, I watched as he shared the Good News with a bed-bound patient that he’d treated the previous day. The residents following Duane from one bedside to another were listening even more intently than me. They knew, that before the rounds were over, Duane would be calling on them to follow his example in sharing the Gospel. Duane is living the dream. In his retirement years, he’s found his purpose… a purpose rooted in the Great Commission: “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19)

One evening as we consumed our fill of injera-ba-wat, I asked Duane to tell me his ‘WHY?’. “It’s simple,” he said. “My purpose is to make disciples. Medicine is my means. For as long as I live, I’m going to live my purpose.”

Maybe you’re like Duane. Maybe you’re like John.  You’ve had your fill of golf carts and poolside exercise classes. You want to live with purpose.

Compel Global exists to help you. Through our network of global relationships, we can connect you with your best-fit opportunity to live your purpose and impact the nations.

Check us out HERE


I Remember Christmas

