Divine Scripture
We uphold the Bible as the divinely inspired, unfailing, and supreme authority, shedding light on the pathway of righteousness and divine wisdom.
Triune God
We acknowledge the one true God, eternally manifested in three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus Christ
We affirm the deity of Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, the redemption granted through His sacrificial death and the shedding of His blood, His physical resurrection, ascension to Heaven, and His awaited return in power and resplendent glory.
Salvation Experience
We assert that salvation is attained through a direct, personal communion with the risen Lord, marked by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, transforming it from a mere doctrinal assertion to a lived experience.
Continuing Ministry of the Holy Spirit
We acknowledge the ongoing ministry of the Holy Spirit, who resides within each believer, nurturing a life of obedience and spiritual growth towards godly maturity.
Unity of the Church
We believe the Holy Spirit binds all true believers in Lord Jesus Christ, constituting one body, the church, a unified fellowship of faith.
Purposeful Creation
We believe humanity was created to glorify God, delight in His fellowship, live in alignment with His will, and fulfill His divine purposes on earth.
Sacredness of Life
We uphold the sanctity of human life, created in God's image, extending from conception through natural death, including every stage and condition of existence. Our calling is to defend, protect, and steward all human life.
Marital Covenant
We believe marriage, as designed by God, is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman, purposed for procreation, stewardship of the earth, and a lifelong, sexually exclusive companionship.
Life According to Scripture
We adhere to the biblical guidelines governing our lives, embracing the teachings and ethical standards as set forth in the Scripture.