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Understanding Retirement
With Bruce Bruinsma
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You can make a difference!
With Bruce Bruinsma
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Change your world in The Retirement Reformation: Bruce Bruinsma
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What Are You Retiring to? With Bruce Bruinsma
The Retirement Reformation was founded to help Christians approach retirement as an opportunity to serve God in new ways, sharing their wisdom, experience, and resources. It also assists churches and organizations in maximizing the gifts of a largely untapped constituency by equipping older members and supporters for active involvement in ministry.
Millions of American Christians are selling themselves short by settling for tee times and nap times when they could be experiencing a much fuller chapter in life. But it’s not only their loss. In buying the idea that retirement is all about leisure and taking it easy, they don’t only miss out on the personal fulfillment derived from helping extend God’s kingdom by serving others, they also deprive others of the gift of their experience and resources.
These untapped riches are the driver behind the Retirement Reformation movement launched by Retirement Reformation champion Bruce Bruinsma and other key thought leaders on the subject. We are setting out to inspire and equip the many Christians among America’s 50 million or so retirement-agers to pursue spiritual, emotional, physical, relational, and financial health rather than sit back and do little.
Bruinsma has enlisted the help of a group of leading thinkers and writers on senior-related issues in his mission. They joined him for an inaugural Retirement Reformation Roundtable in 2018 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to create new resources for individuals, churches, and organizations on maximizing retirement, and spark a nationwide movement.
Having successfully helped thousands of individuals and hundreds of churches and Christian organizations assist their members and staff in saving well for retirement, Bruinsma was shocked to discover many were not prepared to live meaningfully and well when they quit working. Often money was not the issue; preparation and listening to God’s call on their life was the challenge. When he asked what their plans were for retirement, 85 percent told him, “Nothing,” or some version of that translated into leisure terms.
The need for a Retirement Reformation is fueled by the reality of increasing longevity, with many people living active–or not so active–lives 30 or more years after they stop working. But while a career may end, God’s calling for his people to be part of extending his kingdom lasts a lifetime, Bruinsma contends. “Imagine what might be accomplished if more older Christians were actively engaged in meaningful ministry,” he says. “The world says that it’s all downhill after you retire, and you just need to try to enjoy as much leisure as you can before you die. Meanwhile, God invites us to reflect him to the world in every stage of life. Our last quarter could be our best season ever, if we take advantage of a life’s worth of knowledge and experience, combined with the greater freedom provide by both time and money.”
In his 80s and active in business as the founder and CEO of Envoy Financial, Bruinsma has written five books with a biblical perspective on retirement and speaks to churches and organizations about how they can better help prepare both younger and older members for Kingdom service. When asked when he will retire, he responds, “I am! By doing exactly what God wants me to do, where he wants me to do it, and with those He’s chosen for me to do it with.”— quite a different response compared with “nothing.” He offers further resources through his Live With Meaning Foundation (livewithmeaning.org).
With millions of Christians focused on kicking back rather than serving others with their experiences and resources, the kingdom of God is not advancing as it might. There is also personal loss, as seniors miss out on the fulfillment and enrichment, meaning and purpose they could find in service to God and others. Every person is equipped for some kind of service; embracing that call is energizing.
These untapped riches are the driver behind the Retirement Reformation movement launched by Retirement Reformation champion Bruce Bruinsma and other key thought leaders on the subject. He and a team of Retirement Reformation Roundtable members are setting out to inspire and equip the many Christians among America’s 50 million or so retirement-agers to pursue spiritual, emotional, physical, relational, and financial health rather than sit back and do little.
Bruinsma has enlisted the help of a group of leading thinkers and writers on senior-related issues in his mission. They joined him for an inaugural Retirement Reformation Roundtable in 2018 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to create new resources for individuals, churches, and organizations on maximizing retirement, and spark a nationwide movement.
Having successfully helped thousands of individuals and many churches and Christian organizations assist their members and staff in saving well for retirement, Bruinsma was shocked to discover many were not prepared to live meaningfully and well when they quit working. Often money was not the issue; preparation and listening to God’s call on their life was the challenge. When he asked what their plans were for retirement, 85 percent told him, “Nothing,” or some version of that translated into leisure terms.
The need for a Retirement Reformation is fueled by the reality of increasing longevity, with many people living active–or not so active–lives 30 or more years after they stop working. But while a career may end, God’s calling for his people to be part of extending his kingdom lasts a lifetime, Bruinsma contends. “Imagine what might be accomplished if more older Christians were actively engaged in meaningful ministry,” he says. “The world says that it’s all downhill after you retire, and you just need to try to enjoy as much leisure as you can before you die. Meanwhile, God invites us to reflect him to the world in every stage of life. Our last quarter could be our best season ever, if we take advantage of a life’s worth of knowledge and experience, combined with the greater freedom provide by both time and money.”
At 77 and active in business as the founder and CEO of Envoy Financial, Bruinsma has written three books with a biblical perspective on retirement and speaks to churches and organizations about how they can better help prepare both younger and older members for Kingdom service. When asked when he will retire, he responds, “I am! By doing exactly what God wants me to do, where he wants me to do it, and with those He’s chosen for me to do it with.”— quite a different response compared with “nothing.” He offers further resources through his Live With Meaning Foundation (livewithmeaning.org).
Two main reasons. They have bought the world’s message that retirement is about focusing on themselves and taking it easy. And most churches focus more on young people and families, giving just a slight head nod to seniors, as long as they keep giving.
It’s a result of the reality of longevity. Thirty years of “retirement” is becoming the norm rather than the exception. Better health care in all its facets is a factor; more of us are taking care of our bodies and what we eat. As a result, 30 years from the end of work to death is a
Having successfully helped thousands of people save well for their retirement, Retirement Reformation founder Bruce Bruinsma was shocked to discover that most did not have any plans for how they would spend their time. When asked what they intended to, 85 percent said, “Nothing,” or a version of that headlined by “leisure.”
Christians need to be given a new, bigger vision for their “final quarter,” and provided with tools and resources helping them to make the most of the three different stages of retirement life. Retirement is not one homogeneous period; people change as they age. As a result, churches and Christian organizations need to change their culture from a negative view of aging to a positive view of it being a time for contributing.
When thinking about retirement, most people stop at finances. There is so much more to be understood. People need to also consider their spiritual, emotional, relational and physical health. Only this sort of holistic approach will make a rich and fulfilling “final quarter” truly possible. God has a plan for each of us; we need to embrace it.
The Retirement Reformation hopes to spur a movement mobilizing a whole generation of Christians approaching and during retirement, and help churches and Christian organizations equip and empower seniors for service. Organizations also need to change their culture and attitude toward those with experience, wisdom, and commitment. We will accomplish this by providing resources including books, seminars, online resources, and the tremendous content already developed by our Retirement Reformation Roundtable members.