The Retirement Reformation is committed to encouraging a movement where every Christ follower is confident in God's plan for a lifetime of faithful service and committed to helping the body of Christ reform its understanding of retirement- then bearing fruit without measure. We assert the Biblical truth that Jesus followers are called to bear fruit in every season of life and affirm that commitment with these 10 principles:
By signing this Manifesto, I join with other Christ followers to prepare for and actively pursue this new understanding of retirement for my life.
We live for more than our culture's definition and expectations of retirement. Reforming retirement requires a reframing of our thinking, allowing us to shine a light into the purposeless retirement void and finding freedom from unending leisure, indulgence, and self-gratification.
We realise retirement may extend for thirty years or longer. The reality of longevity demands that we see all retirement seasons as a resource to be appreciated, embraced, valued, and to faithfully steward. We are committed to healthy living.
We recognize that our calling ends at death, not retirement. Our entire lives are designed for a purpose. We can continue to grow spiritually and emotionally. This allows God to redeem our past mistakes, revitalize broken relationships, and strengthen our commitment to our unique calling. We will follow His purpose, bear fruit, and experience the joy of being a disciple of Jesus.
We choose to enter each new season with a God-directed vision of His preferred future for us. Every season of life prepares us for the next. Each of us needs encouragement, training, equipping, and coaching as we seek to live out a lifetime of faithful service.
We acknowledge that people matter to God and we cultivate our hearts for others. As we grow closer to God, He will give us the capacity and opportunity to revitalize valued relationships and have greater kingdom impact on those He puts in our path.
We intentionally focus our activities on Kingdom building activities. Not every activity is beneficial, especially those that are only self-indulgent. Our priority is those activities growing God's kingdom; those activities will lead to the expansion of His church. We need Jesus and His Holy Spirit to commission and guide our activities.
We embrace the promise of the fruits of the Spirit and reject the self-indulgent trappings of retirement. Our vision of a lifetime of service requires re-focusing, re-positioning, re-vamping, and re-energizing as we prepare for, enter, or experience retirement. The allure of doing "nothing" with eternal value fades quickly.
We need community and connection with others in authentic relationship. Our retirement years are best spent in community. It is in community with family, friends, fellow believers, plus the week, poor, and disenfranchised where we both learn and serve. The intergenerational church provides community between and among believers.
We live on mission for Jesus, representing Him to others. God calls each of us to be on mission during every stage of life. An important role for those in retirement is to pass on wisdom learned and encourage the next generation. Coaching, mentoring, volunteering, and grandparenting are valuable opportunities available to US.
We resolve to encourage others to find meaning and purpose following God's design. Our conviction leads us to shine God's light on each of our paths, pointing to lives filled with meaning and purpose. Our passion and convictions lead us to encourage all to live lives filled with meaning and purpose. Each of us, including all pastors, ministry leaders, and Jesus followers are called to this Retirement Reformation. A new opportunity exists to change the world for Jesus, bear fruit in His name, and experience the abundant life in Him.
We recognize that it is the power of Jesus that allows us to live with faith and experience fulfillment in every season of life. With that conviction we embrace John 15:16 as our foundation: You did not choose me, but I chose you and called you so that you might bear fruit - fruit that will last - and whatever you ask in My Father's name, He will give it to you.
By signing this Manifesto, I join with other Christ followers to prepare for and actively pursue this new understanding of retirement for my life.